REVIEW: Barbie: The World Tour by Margot Robbie and Andrew Mukamal

In brief: The outfits worn (and that would have been worn) on the press tour for 2023’s Barbie movie. The good: Lovely to see the detail that went into creating Barbie’s looks for a real person. The not-so-good: Would have liked some more pictures of some of the outfits. Why I chose it: Really like... Continue Reading →

REVIEW: Paperback Crush by Gabrielle Moss

In brief: All about young adult fiction of the 1980s and 1990s, from The Baby-Sitters Club to Sweet Valley High. The good: Great walk down memory lane with a lot of old favourites. The not-so-good: Never heard of some of the series – perhaps a result of living in Australia. Why I chose it: I... Continue Reading →

REVIEW: Behavioural Economics by David Orrell

In brief: A summary about behavioural economics, a branch of economics that involves psychology and how irrational humans can be. The good: Good summary of the major studies and breakthroughs. The not-so-good: Not an overly exciting read. Why I chose it: Interested in behavioural economics and how it can be used in other areas of... Continue Reading →

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