It’s Monday – What I’m Reading: 17/6/24

It’s been a busy week as I’ve been doing a lot of walking and playing my new favourite game – Endless Ocean Luminous. It’s a relaxing way to finish the day.

Swift River by Essie Chambers was a nice surprise from Hachette, as I’d written on it on a couple of ‘want to read’ lists. Set in 1987 in a dying mill down, Diamond is lonely. Her mum wants her to move on from her father’s death, but a letter from a relative sends her digging into the secrets of her family’s past and changing her life.

A Light in the Dark by Allee Richards is about Iris and Nina, set in the world of theatre. Iris finds that when the spotlight is off you, things can be lonely. For Nina, anger and rumours will grow.

Lies and Weddings by Kevin Kwan is about Rufus, future Earl of Greshamsbury who is also neck deep in debt. His mother’s solution is to seduce a rich woman at his sister’s wedding – but who will it be? Although his choices are severely limited after a hot mic exposes secrets…

Unfortunately, Mailbox Monday has ended but I’ll still post my new books here as part of It’s Monday! What are you reading? which is hosted by Book Date.

What I read last week:

The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren

What I’m reading at the moment:

Lies and Weddings by Kevin Kwan

What I’ll be reading next:

Don’t know

3 thoughts on “It’s Monday – What I’m Reading: 17/6/24

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  1. Swift River looks so good! I know I won’t read all 52 books in the 52 book challenge, but I didn’t even have any ideas for one from Hachette so that points me in the right direction. Happy Reading!

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