Mailbox Monday and What I’m Reading: 18/4/22

This week has been busier than expected, and unfortunately respirator masks and easter eggs don’t mix very well! But maybe I can get my eggs’ worth while reading…

Joan is Okay by Weike Wang has Joan wondering where her roots lie – with her work as a doctor in ICU, or with her family’ expectations. When her father dies in China, Joan comes out of her comfort zone to reconsider her life.

Diddly Squat: A Year on the Farm by Jeremy Clarkson is a collection of columns about life on the farm – tractors, sheep, crops and a farm shop. I’ve enjoyed watching Clarkson’s Farm so I’m looking forward to this.

Facts and other lies by Ed Coper is all about disinformation and how fake news has become important in fracturing society and disseminating across communities. It also goes into how the spread of disinformation can be defused.

To see other books received/bought this week across the world, drop by the Mailbox Monday blog for links to everyone’s mailbox goodies.

It’s Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Book Date.

What I read last week:

The Nurses’ War by Victoria Purman

The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon

What I’m reading at the moment:

Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel

What I’ll be reading next:

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

8 thoughts on “Mailbox Monday and What I’m Reading: 18/4/22

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  1. I loved watching Jeremy Clarkson on his farm. Especially the terminology of sheeping and tractoring. I must find this and read it.

  2. I haven’t heard of the Jeremy Clarkson show. I think my husband would enjoy watching that one with me!

    I just picked up Lessons in Chemistry from the library! Looking forward to reading it!

  3. I’ve heard great things about Lessons in Chemistry and I can’t wait to read it. I bought it for my Kobo and hope to start it once I get through all my library e-books.

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