Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman

I was given this book for Christmas as part of LibraryThing’s SantaThing (secret Santa book giving). Thank you kismoody, who recommended this book based on my library.

CeeCee (or Cecelia) is a young girl with a tragic past. It’s 1960s America, and her mother is suffering from an unspecified mental illness, causing her to believe she’s still the 1951 Vidalia Onion Queen and wander the town aimlessly in tiara, gown and sash. While her mother is the talk of the town, her father copes by leaving town regularly as part of his job as a travelling salesman. When CeeCee’s mother is tragically killed in an accident involving an ice cream truck, her Great Aunt Tootie appears on the scene to give CeeCee something she’s never known – a normal life in Savannah. CeeCee learns what it’s like to be loved – by Oletta, Tootie’s cook and housekeeper, Miz Goodpepper, her neighbour, Mrs Odell, her former neighbour and Aunt Tootie. Through many mishaps and events involving slugs and the sea, CeeCee learns that she is secure.

Yes, you can tell from the above that it’s a sweet book. Sometimes I’m not sure if this book is aimed at young adult readers (a masked man and a lady in a negligee are dealt with very innocently) or it’s just being told faithfully through CeeCee’s eyes. This book is a light, quick read. It’s nowhere near as deep as The Help, but nor does it try to be. It features some great descriptions of the houses of Savannah and gardens. Just enjoy the ride and smile at the end.

Read this if: you like light Southern stories. 

7.5 out of 10.

6 thoughts on “Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman

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  1. I’ve read wonderful things about this book, starting with my book blogging buddy Les at Lesley’s Book Nook. Aren’t redemption stories wonderful?! Interesting that you compared it to The Help as that’s what I was thinking of when I began reading your post, but I appreciate how you said it’s not as deep nor does it try to be.

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